Jump to content combinations bug


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Let's say you have 3 attributes groups

1. Color

2. Size

3. Length


If you add a combination of 1 color + 1 size + 3 lengths  its ok.

But the moment you add color and another size + different lengths the bug occurs.


You can set size as a select box, but the second or third added size is unselectable. As soon as you select it, it returns to first value value of select. The same applies to lengths.


I found it on a different theme, but tried with default and it's the same. I also tried on different hosting with default theme.

Tried deleting all attributes and re-adding them again. In the end upgraded to No difference. I can't believe such a major function has so breaking bug.



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I can see it, but it's not selectable. Whenever i choose something it reverts back to original value.

But they fixed it in 1.7.1, so you should upgrade.


OK, but I mean this:



Notice how the Method of shipping dropdown box is very (too) small, and the Language option below it, is completely unselectable.

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