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Search by catégories


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Hi every body,

I'm new in Prestashop and i would like to ask you about a fonctionality that i need in my project.
My customer asked me to add 3 checkbox in a search form in the hom page .
The 3 check box are : man,woman and child.
The user will be able to check one of this options to search a product in the shop.
Do i need some specefic developpement to do that ?
Or is it possible in Prestashop to add easily a propoerty in a product and to do a search based on this property ?

Thank you very much in advance.

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Can't you just create three categories "man", "woman" and "child" and put the products in the appropriate category? Then you can just click the "man" category to get all the products related to men, for example.

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Thank you first for the reply.
No i can't do that because we have already many other catégories.
In fact, i have many categories and subcatgories and in each one the customer should be able to look for man,women or chlid's products.
so,you can consider it like a tag for each product.

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Does that mean you could add one of those three categories into the "tags" field at the bottom of the product editor then install the "Tag block"? Clicking on a tag would then do a search for products with that tag.

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that's exactly my problem.
We have already the "tag block" in the home page.
The customer dont like to put this three values "Man,Woman,child" in that "tag block".
he likes to do ( in another block in the home page) a search based in these three values.

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