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Log / Debug Process CSV Import Product - Prestashop 1.7


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I am doing tests with the importer of products in CSV and for several days it worked well, but today I added 10 new products and I get this error when importing:




Where can I see a log with the exact error? Or failing, how can I debug the import process to see the error?
And another thing, where you can suggest for future versions that the errors in the import are a little more explanatory ?.
Thank you.
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  • 1 month later...

Hi Mordecai,

i'm having an issue like yours but with a CSV importing registered users from other website. At some point I get some problem and the import stop but I cannot understand which exactly is the row that create the problem.


Any idea how to debug it?





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Hi, I think your problem is something easier. The error indicates that there is a problem with the address or city.


My recommendation is to look at import ajax calls (in Chrome F12, Network tab). Note the ajax that gives the error, in the headers you have the lines of the CSV that you are analyzing at that moment. Look at those lines if the addresses are correct or cities.

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  • 3 years later...
On 4/24/2017 at 5:48 PM, Mordecai said:

Finally I find the problem. Was a big image (5000x5000 pixels) that broken php with function imagecreatefromjpeg().


The solution was update 'memory_limit' in php.ini from 128M to 512M.

Hi Mordecai and thanks for sharing your solution. I agree with you and I think that the problem is related to the memory limit of php.

Increasing the memory limit from php .ini worked for me.


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