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How to replace tpl with static html

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Brand new to prestashop, and php, and smarty.  However, I worked with HTML and CSS a long time ago so have basic understanding of how it works.  I'm also a developer of .net / PLSQL / other programming languages, so programming itself it not an issue.


I'm trying to set up a shop, and want to override the standard "Classic" template maintenance page with a static HTML page.  I have done this by overwriting the template with the static HTML, and recompiling/removing cache on the website.


This seems to have worked, however I have an issue with the images used by the html.  I have uploaded the pictures to /img/maintenance/*, but when the page is rendered to the browser, I see the full html as expected, but no images.  They all show as broken links.  


When I click on one of the broken link icons, it tries to lead me to a directory structure /en/img/maintenance/, which of course, does not exist.


I tried to create this folder structure, but then get 403 Forbidden Access error, even when chmod the permissions of the files to 755.


We have an exhibition soon, and our website it already on the homepage, but as we are still setting up the shop and learning how to get all the products online and etc.. I would like to at least have a nice maintenance page to show the users if they come to visit.  


Can anyone please explain to me how to fix this issue with the images (/en/ path addition or access rights) whilst I ramp up on php/smarty to understand how to modify the templates "properly" in the future...





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Thanks! Perfect. that works a treat :)


Much appreciate the incredibly quick response, and looking forward to being able to spend some time looking at this smarty stuff.  looks very interesting indeed compared to what I'm used to.


Thanks again!


[edit: spelling]

Edited by dhevans79 (see edit history)
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