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Block my account configuration

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Hello guys,


I have a big problem.

Website: www.vidrena.lt


To start with, I didnt install the prestashop and I didnt make the design for website. But I know the editing concepts and so on.


But the problem is:


In website i can register pressing button in top right corner - "Registruotis" (which means Register/Login in English), but when i Register, instead of that button, I can only see button "Atsijungti" (which means Logout in English). The thing is, I cant reach my account webpage, which I can reach only by typing www.vidrena.lt/my-account

So If i Register, then I can only logout of the page and cant reach My-account.


What I want is:

I want register button and when registered and logged in, i want to see "my account" instead of logout. When I press on my-account, there I want to see logout button.


To be more particular, i make screenshots.


I think its the block-myaccount module, which makes these windows.


This module I`ve found in folders /modules/block-myaccount



How can I do that?




If you need source code, or any files, I can send or copy here!




Nevermind, I`ve fixed it.


I had to change some lines in block-topbar.tpl  and add button in myaccount.tpl file



Edited by grigas (see edit history)
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