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Mass Delete all Customized features values?


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After a product migration somehow i have some "ghost" data appearing in Product features customized values.


Instead of going to each product one by one, how can i delete all customized features values from phpmyadmin or elsewhere?


I don't see or cannot find a special table for customized values and i don't want to mess other feature values.


Prestashop 1.6

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You can run an SQL query like the following:
DELETE FROM `ps_feature_value_lang` WHERE `id_feature_value` IN (SELECT `id_feature_value` FROM `ps_feature_value` WHERE `custom` = 1);
DELETE FROM `ps_feature_value` WHERE `custom` = 1;

Change ps_ to your database prefix. Remember to back up the ps_feature_value and ps_feature_value_lang table first in case something goes wrong.

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