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Configure Payment Method

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For the moment I have my shop configured to receive payment by following methods: Check, Bank Wire-Transfer and Paypal.
However I realized that as a customer once you arrive to the page of payment, you get these 3 options with logos of each option. On the Paypal option, I see a logo "PayPal". I do not see any logo of mastercard or visa. I am sure some of my customers who are new to internet will want to pay with their bank-card and will not find that option as they might not be so familiar with Paypal. Can I change that logo? Or can I add a text next to it saying "Payment by PayPal and bank cards"?

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Edit modules/paypal/paypal.gif to change the image or go to Tools > Translations > Module translations, click the USA flag, then scroll down to "prestashop - paypal" and enter "Payment by PayPal and bank cards" as the translation for "Pay with PayPal" at the bottom of the section.

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