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[SOLVED] does the customers cart hold stock?

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Just a question on how the cart functionality works....
When someone creates a cart, but doesn't order anything and leaves the site - then when they return their cart is still available with all the products they chose from the previous visit.
So i have two questions:
How long does this cart stay 'active' for? ie how long can they leave it and still come back to it
Does an item being in a cart 'hold' one from the stock value?

Im worried that if I only have 5 items, and 5 people put one in a cart without buying it, that it will leave zero items available if a genuine buyer comes along.

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You don't have to worry. When a customer adds a product to a cart, it isn't reserved for that customer. The product continues to be available for other customers until a customer actually completes an order, then the stock is subtracted. The customer doesn't haven't to actually pay for the order though, only complete it.

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The cart itself is stored in the database forever, but I think the customer will lose the cart when their cookie is deleted or expires after 20 days. You can change the numbers of seconds before the cookie expires on line 50 of classes/Cookie.php.

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