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Apply style on div {if $cart_qties == 0}


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I am trying adding style to block cart div only when there are no products as follow:


<div class="shopping_cart"{if $cart_qties == 0} style="box-shadow:none"{/if}>


The issue is that it work only when I reload page, then understand that I should add this mod also in ajax-cart.js or blockcart-json.tpl


I know this because I had to modify these files for make to work the truncate lenght in product name without wait to reload page


Does anyone know where I should repeat the code {if $cart_qties == 0} style="box-shadow:none"{/if} in ajax-cart.js?


Note: This mod don´t is possible to make in blockart.css because I added a box-shadow: 1px xxxx


best regards

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