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Editing 'Shipped' Email to include 'Order Details'

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I'm trying to edit the 'Shipped' Email to show similar information to the 'Order Details' email. e.g. reference/product/unit price/Quantity/Total Price/etc.


(This is so if we need to edit an order to remove items which have become out of stock since the order has been placed the customer will receive their final shipped email showing the actual products shipped)



I've tried copying over the html from the order_conf email in localization>translations which displays correctly but the {tags} don't display the data (see attached screengrab)


Strangely the {total_paid} does work, not the others

Can anyone shed any light on this?





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You can't just copy variables from the order confirmation to other templates, since that template uses variables that aren't available in the other templates. It is the OrderHistory::sendEmail function that is used when sending the "Shipping" email. It only has {lastname}, {firstname}, {id_order}, {order_name} and {total_paid} available to it. You'd have to override the function to add all the order confirmation variables, then they'll be available in all templates. Unfortunately, that requires copying a lot of code from the PaymentModule::validateOrder function.

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Thanks for that.


- Could you give me more of a pointer on which files over ftp to copy the code from and to?


- The other way to fo it would be to edit the order and then to resend the initial Order Confirmation/Order Details email. The only way I can see to do this is a module. e.g. https://addons.prestashop.com/en/emails-notifications/26238-resend-order-confirmation-email.html



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Look for the following at about line 451 of classes/PaymentModule.php:
                    // Construct order detail table for the email

Copy all the code from there to just above line 626:

                    // Specify order id for message

and also the code starting from line 695:

                    // Order is reloaded because the status just changed

down to just above line 761:

                        // Join PDF invoice

You can also copy the code below that if you want the PDF invoice attached to the email too.

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You should replace the following code on line 424 of classes/OrderHistory.php:

            $data = array(
                '{lastname}' => $result['lastname'],
                '{firstname}' => $result['firstname'],
                '{id_order}' => (int)$this->id_order,
                '{order_name}' => $order->getUniqReference()

Oh, you'll also need to copy _getTxtFormatedAddress and _getFormatedAddress functions on line 845 of classes/PaymentModule.php.


Hopefully, that's enough. You'll need to try it to see if there's errors that need to be fixed.

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  • 3 weeks later...

After trying the above:


The order is placed and the retailer receives the confirmation email but the website then stalls for the customer with a blank page at ...../module/invoicepayment/validation and no further emails are sent.



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