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Prices across shops - multishop


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Hello! I need some help, a I'm not that good with programming...


I have two shops: a b2b (shop id 2) and a presentation site (shop id 1). Each store has different prices.


I want to display in product.tpl of b2b theme both prices (from shop 1 as well).


The code for displaying the price for shop2 is:


<span id="our_price_display" {if $enable_google_rich_snippets}itemprop="price"{/if} content="{$productPrice}">{convertPrice price=$productPrice|floatval}</span>


How can I display the price from shop1?


Thanks in advance!

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The short answer is that you can't. You need to edit the productController, and assign a separate variable by grabbing a new price.
The problem is that you need to pass in another context, or it will use the same shop id. Have a look at

Product::getPriceStatic and see the parameters, change the context's shop id to the one you need and try, it might work as PriceCalculation runs with id_shop as first parameter, retrieved from that context var

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