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RewriteRules for a simple domain change on Prestashop 1.6

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With prestashop 1.6 catalog. The owner asked to change the domain name of the site but wanted to keep the old one for legacy purpose... so www.olddomain.com became www.newdomain.com  We did a rewriterules :

RewriteRule ^(.+)/$ http://www.newdomain.com/$1 [R=permanent]

This is working fine when typing "www.olddomain.com" it is converting to "www.newdomain.com"  but if we try to access a specific link: "www.olddomain.com/index.php" this is what we get: "www.newdomain.comindex.php"
and of course, error. The /  is missing. I tried several version :

always the same results! No / after the .com  

We use a vhost.conf file for all web site... There is also a .htaccess in the root of the prestashop website. Is there a conflict? This should be simple... changing a domain for another one. Any help?

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Thank you. I had to remove the RewriteBase so apache could restart.


Now, it is working for any kind of link like:  www.olddomain.com/index.php?  but if it's "www.olddomain.com" that should redirect to "www.newdomain.com" it is ratter doing: www.newdomain.com//  and showing an error message 404  because of 2 trailing slash !  ??


Do you have a clue? Thanks!

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No... no trailing slash. but in the 3rd field below, there is a /  and nothing else. When i try to remove and save, prestashop puts it back in the field. So I have:


newdomain.com  (ssl)






where you tried to remove slash tells ps where files are, in this case root '/'.  if you installed in folder it would have folder name.  no need to change this...lol


without access I'd not dare to guess your // issue.  For rewrite rules google in general and not specificlly for PrestaShop as this is sever specific and not really PS specific.

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Well the exact same rewrite rules on standard PHP web sites work well... so there must be something specific with Prestashop.


I just removed all redirection rules from apache vhost.conf and the incredible thing is that le old domain STILL is being redirected to the new one!!!!! I have cheched the .htaccess file in the root of the prestashop site and no reference of the olddomain! I am completely lost!


Thanks for your time.

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