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[SOLVED] searchcron.php error

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I'm trying to set up a cron job for searchcron.php. I'm getting the folowing error: Could not open input file: httpdocs/eprekyba/searchcron.php?full=1 chmod is 777 for tthis file

I've tested a cron job with simple test.php file in the same folder, everything works fine. What am I doing wrong with this one?

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It is written, that he has "typed up the cron commands in Windows Notepad and uploaded them". I didin't do that, I entered the cron command manualy in Crontab "php -q httpdocs/eprekyba/searchcron.php?full=1&token=gEy9DxXJ&id_shop=1".


I've commented everything in that file (searchcron.php) and wrote a echo "hello world" line. I've got the same "Could not open input file" error, BUT if I remove this cron command part "?full=1&token=gEy9DxXJ&id_shop=1" it works fine, and I'm getting a "hello world". Maybe searchcron.php trying to open other file, that has no premission...

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  • 1 year later...


I'm having the exact same issue as you are here. Could you share what change your service provider recommended to get your cron tasks to run? My scripts will execute without error if I leave off the "?token=XXXX" at the end of the files, but they don't do anything. I can't find anywhere that tells what is necessary to make them work with the token. Any help is greatly appreciated!


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