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Check a URL in smarty?


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I have code like this

{if $product->supplier_reference}
supplier_reference}.html#review" target="_blank">gobooks.nemir.org {l s='(May result in a error if book does not exist on that webpage)'}

that show a link to a website that has revews on many (but not all) of the books that I sell.

So, I'd like to check if the page exists and only show the link if it does. Is this possible?

Edit: code broke of course, but I think my point is clear enough


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I think you can use code like the following in product.tpl:

{if $product->supplier_reference AND file_exists($product->supplier_reference|cat:'.html')}

You may need to add a path before the filename for it to work though.

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You are right that file_exists only works for local files. I tried using fopen to check whether the file exists, but I can't get it to work with Smarty. I think you'll need to write code to check whether the file exists in product.php and then pass in the variable only if it exists.

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