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where is the image path in the code?


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I am sorry for a schoolboy question but I need to add another logo in a footer of my homepage. Unfortunately I cant find where in the code (what file) is the path to this image. Could you help?



I'm watching your web 4glte.eu


Check files:




Other option change image in ftp in the rute /themes/4glte/images/draytek.png


Other option add new image, user contentbox http://contentbox.org/ or htmlbox https://mypresta.eu/modules/front-office-features/html-box.html


Sorry for my English

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The next question is how to make them in line next to each other not like now the second below the first one. Do I need to create a table? 


at the moment we have:


</div> <!-- .category_footer -->
<p> </p>
<p><img src="{$images_dir}draytek.png" alt="DrayTek Dealer" /></p><p><img src="{$images_dir}ubiquity.jpg" alt="Ubiquiti Networks" /></p>
<!-- /Block categories module -->
Edited by 4GLte.eu (see edit history)
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