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Combinations not possible to change in Frontend and difficult to create


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Prestashop on Apache, PHP7 and MySQL 5.5.54-0+deb8u1-log

The problems start when I try to create a value to the attributs. The attribut itself is no problem to create, but when I'm gonna add a value to the attribute I always get this message: (I have a French setup) "Une erreur s'est produite pendant la création de l'objet. attribute (Duplicate entry '17-1' for key 'PRIMARY')" The value that in this case is 17-1, changes every time to a higher value. The next time I will try it will be 18-1.

Then when I go back to the attribute list and click on the small + to the right and the list of values displays, I can see that a new line, a new ID (and this ID has the same n° as the number above (17)) has been created, but it is empty ! If I open that value I can then write the text I want and then save it and use it under Product declinaision and create different combinations as I want.

But then when I try to use this fuction in Front end the browser will not keep the value choosen; it will every time fall back to the default value after maybe 1-2 seconds.

What is going on?

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"Let the database fix it by itself.
Login in phpadmin select "all" the tables at the bottom of the database's first page, choose "repair"in the dropdown menu,then the problem is fixed. "
Can you believe it ? I've spent a full bloody day for this. How came that noone else has proposed this? I start to have the feeling that truly  knowledgable people rarely takes part in forum discussions. They keep thier knowledge tight and makes a living as consultants.
All the best



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