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Override not working after using webservice api


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Hello everybody,


With 1.6, I bought a paid module, simply speaking, it will do something after create a customer.

it works fine when register in front end or create customer in back-end(admin).


But when I use web api to create a customer,

it only create customer successfully, but paid module isn't called.


I trace the code and guess the override function is not working,

is there anything should I do or something missed?



Edited by akuei (see edit history)
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Which hook is the module using to do something after creating a customer? Is it using actionCustomerAccountAdd or actionObjectCustomerAddAfter? I'm going to guess it's using actionCustomerAccountAdd and that hook isn't being called by the webservice. You can try rewriting the module to use the actionObjectCustomerAddAfter hook. That should work if the webservice creates a Customer object and then calls the add() function. It won't if the webservice is directly adding customers to the database using SQL queries instead of objects though.

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