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Hidden Category's items visibles in "search" and in "new items"

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I've created some Categories in my prestashop (v., visible for a "VIP" group, and hidden to simple users.
The problem is that if i use the search "frame" inserting some words reguarding the items stored in these hidden categories, they appears and if i click them they are totally visible.
Shortly: the categories are hidden, their items are visible.
and more: if i add a new item into that categories, it appears in homepage as new product.

What is happening and how to solve it please?

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1) visibility of new products in homepage is not solved with catalogue only

2) VIP users will be not able to search them.
3) i know that this should be an error of my prestashop: i have an other one in a secondary website and i don't have problems at all (VIP's products are not searchable nor visible to normal users, shown with no errors to vip users). so what could happen if i recopy all prestashop files agai? may i loose some actual informations or should it work?

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