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{cheque_name} & {cheque_address_html}


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By testing cheque payment module, I noticed that in the confirmation mail the following information doesn't appear


À l'ordre de : {cheque_name}
Veuillez envoyer votre chèque à l'adresse suivante : {cheque_address_html}


I Configured the cheque module but no effects appear in the mail data.


Image attached post-953079-0-22160700-1487934778_thumb.png


Do you have any solution please

Thanks in advance


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You're using the wrong variables. Here's what's on lines 62-65 (in PrestaShop v1.7.0.5) of modules/ps_checkpayment/controllers/front/validation.php:
        $mailVars =    array(
            '{check_name}' => Configuration::get('CHEQUE_NAME'),
            '{check_address}' => Configuration::get('CHEQUE_ADDRESS'),
            '{check_address_html}' => str_replace("\n", '<br />', Configuration::get('CHEQUE_ADDRESS')));

You should be using {check_name}, {check_address} and {check_address_html} instead of {cheque_name}, {cheque_address} and {cheque_address_html}.

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Many thanks Rocky...it works perfectly now


However, if you could help in another point please... 

By ending setting the order, on the website, the confirmation order message shows <br /> <br /> in the sent address 


Please have a look on the attached image.




Edited by Bassel (see edit history)
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I see the following on line 34 of modules/ps_checkpayment/views/templates/front/payment_infos.tpl:
      <dd>{$checkAddress nofilter}</dd>

It appears the address isn't being filtered, so the <br /> shouldn't be displayed as text.


What do you have written as the address on the module's configuration page? You can try removing the <br /> from there.

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