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1 click upgrade from to


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I have the following error when I try to update:


1-Click Upgrade


v2.0.2 di PrestaShop


Downloaded archive will come from https://www.prestashop.com/download/releases/prestashop_1.7.0.5.zip


MD5 hash will be checked against 9d6e15af674ec10f8ba7448584879ee9


scaricamento da https://www.prestashop.com/download/releases/prestashop_1.7.0.5.zip


il file sarà salvato in /var/www/vhosts//xxxxx.it/yyyyy/autoupgrade/download/prestashop.zip


download directory has been emptied


Download complete but MD5 sum does not match (d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e).


Analyzing the situation...Shop deactivated. Now downloading... (this can take a while)

Download complete but MD5 sum does not match (%s). Operation aborted.


Download complete but MD5 sum does not match (d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e).

Downloaded archive will come from https://www.prestashop.com/download/releases/prestashop_1.7.0.5.zip


MD5 hash will be checked against 9d6e15af674ec10f8ba7448584879ee9


scaricamento da https://www.prestashop.com/download/releases/prestashop_1.7.0.5.zip


il file sarà salvato in /var/www/vhosts//xxxx.it/yyyy/autoupgrade/download/prestashop.zip


download directory has been emptied


Download complete but MD5 sum does not match (d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e).


Some solution?

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Of course it works. We all know how the manual update works. But the topiс is on the the different matter. 

Specifically: 1-Click Upgrade (integrated feature) doesn't work with version as it supposed to, and we notified developers so they could fix it.


P.S. No problem with workaround itself. ;)

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With the PrestaShop 1-Click Upgrade module, upgrading your store to the latest version available has never been easier!


It does not work.


Very scarce information is available, does anyone know some further action to be taken to have it working please?

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  On 2/25/2017 at 3:56 AM, daxit_x said:


I did try all of this in several ways but clicking update nothing happens

What else can be done here?


Is it possible to upgrade manually? I haven't found any information about manual upgrade.


Thank you


  On 2/25/2017 at 3:43 PM, daxit_x said:

With the PrestaShop 1-Click Upgrade module, upgrading your store to the latest version available has never been easier!


It does not work.


Very scarce information is available, does anyone know some further action to be taken to have it working please?



Man, you could at least pretend that you have read through the topic... 

If you're new to PrestaShop just look at the post from Vilius PromoApranga (post #5) and do as he says. 

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"Want to upgrade using the 1-Click Upgrade module? Make sure to upgrade the module itself first! This way you will have access to a new, 1.7-specific channel, which makes upgrading safer for merchants. Upgrading from to should be smooth as silk -- but do a safety backup anyway :)"

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  On 3/4/2017 at 11:00 PM, prestashopactivman said:



"Want to upgrade using the 1-Click Upgrade module? Make sure to upgrade the module itself first! This way you will have access to a new, 1.7-specific channel, which makes upgrading safer for merchants. Upgrading from to should be smooth as silk -- but do a safety backup anyway :)"


It was not an issue for me. Installed 1.7 from scratch and everything was updated to latest versions including "1-Click Upgrade" prior failed attempt described above.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Has anyone had any luck using the 1-click upgrade recently?


My shop status currently:


Your current PrestaShop version :

Latest official version for major channel. : 1.7.1 stable - (


1-click upgrade does nothing. I also tried downloading the zip file and uploading to /autoupgrade/download

but then when I select advanced settings / local archive , I get the following:


No archive found in your admin/autoupgrade/download directory

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Buongiorno, ecco lo status del mio shop .Qualcuno potrebbe aiutarmi ? considerando che non sono un'esperto.


Inizia il tuo aggiornamento

Your current PrestaShop version :

Latest official version for major channel. : 1.7.1 stable - (

PrestaShop sarà scaricato dahttps://www.prestashop.com/download/releases/prestashop_1.7.1.0.zip

- Last datetime check: 2017-04-07 13:57:24

Confronto delle versioni

PrestaShop versione originale:
warning.gif 105 file modifications have been detected, including 105 from core and native modules: Visualizzare o nascondere l'elenco

Differences between versions:
warning.gif 4816 files saranno modificati, 868 files saranno cancellati (se trovati) Visualizzare o nascondere l'elenco


quando aggiorno la pagina si ricarica , ma rimane tutto invariato , ho provato anche con archivio locale



Archivio da usare:

per aggiornare la versione *
Save in the following directory the archive file of the version you want to upgrade to: /admin/autoupgrade/download/
Click "Save" once the archive is there.
This option will skip the download step.
ma non cambia la versione.
sspero che possiate aiutarmi ad aggiornare
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  • 10 months later...

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