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multistore shared stock, changing quantities reset my 2nd store tax rule


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I have a online store under PRESTASHOP, with the multi-store option activated


I have 2 stores with the same shared stock :

-Store B2C (with tax rules B2C)

-Store B2B (with tax rules B2B)


For each product, i chose the appropriate tax rules (B2C, i chose tax rules B2C ; B2B i chose tax rules B2B)


To modify and update my stock, i need to be on « Default Group » mode


Here is my problem, when i modify my quantites (via « Default Group ) the tax rules is being reset on my second B2B store.


Here are the following steps for this BUGG :


  • I go on one of my product setting
  • Activate my B2B mode, go to prices in product setting , check my tax rule and B2B tax rules is on so everything is okay.
  • Activate « Defaut Group » , go on one of my product setting, go to quantities, modify the quantities, and save.
  • Activate my B2B mode again,  go to prices again on the same product setting and « no Tax » is written instead of B2B tax rules


So i need to reupdate the B2B tax rules in each product when i modify the quantity of one of them.


Anyone have the same problem and can help me ?


Thanks a lot.




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