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[Solved] Florida surtax not working

Diana Hansen

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Hello all,


My combined taxes are not working.


The situation is as follows: I only ship to the USA. For this, I created a new zone called "USA only" which includes one country: United States. I use this zone for all carriers. 


I am creating a list of surtaxes for Florida which I need to apply according to the county where my products are shipped to.




If I ship a box of flowers to Sarasota zip code 34238, I need to apply Florida's 6% tax plus a surtax of 1% for this specific county.


I created a new tax in BO called "Sales taxes US-FL Sarasota 1%" (please see attached image) post-1203198-0-27950300-1486914399_thumb.jpg


Then, I created a new tax rule called "US-FL Sarasota 1%" (please see attached image) post-1203198-0-32179500-1486914398_thumb.jpg


Nevertheless, the Shopping-Cart summary only adds the 6% Florida Sales tax and not the 1% Surtax. (please see attached image) post-1203198-0-91994300-1486914392_thumb.jpg


What could I be missing? 


Please Help.


Edited by Diana EFB (see edit history)
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Hello everyone,


For those of you looking for information about how to implement combined taxes and going almost mad because you haven't found an answer, I have good news.


The solution to the problem starts with watching this video:




If after watching the video you still have questions, maybe the following explanation can help:


1. I created a new tax in BO Localization->Taxes, for Florida called "US-FL My Webshop 6%" just to leave the original "Sales taxes US-FL 6%" alone´. This is optional, you can just as well us the original tax if you prefer.

2. I created new taxes for ALL the counties in Florida. For example: "US-FL Alachua 0.5%", "US-FL Baker 1%", etc. with the corresponding tax rates

3. I created a new tax rule group in BO Locatlization->Tax Rules->Add New Tax Rules Group, called "US-FL Tax and Surtax My Webshop" 

3. Once inside this New Tax Rule Group, I started adding all the tax rules I needed, starting with:

  • United States, all states, zip code=0, combine, no tax
  • United States, Florida, zip code =0, combine, tax=US-FL My Webshop 6% (in case you decided to use the original, then select "Sales taxes US-FL 6%"
  • United States, Florida, zip code=32601 (for example, this is the first zip code in Alachua), combine, Tax= US-FL Alachua 0.5%. For a range: United States, Florida, zip code = 32603-32612, combine, Tax= US-FL Alachua 0.5%. 

The bad news is that you need to add each zip code or zip code range for each county manually. It's a nightmare but it works. 


Good luck!


Oh! yes, and in order to make the list of all zip codes for each county easier to handle, I used Excel for organizing them in ascending order. 

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