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Adding custom fields to checkout process.


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I need to add a few custom fields like a custom order number and some other data in the checkout process.

In PS1.6 this was fairly simple, I just added the fields in the checkout template and called a few hooks to update the cart and the order.


Unfortunately in PS1.7 I can't really find any hooks in the checkout classes that would allow me to do this. What would be the proper way to do this in PS1.7?


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Me to...

You can try to use this hooks: displayAfterCarrier and displayPaymentByBinaries. They display your extra content on delivery methods step (below submit button) and on last step with payment methods (also beloew submit button).

Using JavaScript you can move this code hihger to present it before submit button. I did this.

But... but I can't use, save this values. In PS 1.6 I did this. In PS 1.7 I can't.


I will try this:

what wrote Anthony IVOL.

Because as I see (at screenshots) in this (paid) module fmemodules.com/en/51-custom-fields.html -  it's possible in PS 1.7 :)

Edited by Rynraf
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