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Urgent need Help of Expert... Account Email Template change from Core but not implement on server

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Hello to all,

I need urgent help please anybody help me.

I want to change Welcome email template and I did all step to change it from Prestashop Localization> Translations>core>account and as well as Cpanel (site/mails/en/account) but after the change, nothing happen whenever any new customers sign up on my website he/she got the Default email.post-1181268-0-73728400-1486123059_thumb.pngpost-1181268-0-25404500-1486123062_thumb.png


kartfly.com it's my website link and when every new customer sign up on my website the welcome emails go in the Spam folder of Gmail. I don't know what is this happen I did many searches for this but not get solutions so I need the help of experts 


Thanks and hope get reply fast of any expert/friend.

Edited by kartiksaini (see edit history)
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perhaps are you using the theme mail template ?


try to change in Localization> Translations>warehouse>account

HI, thanks for the great solution I did same as you show now template is change but spam problem is not solved every time when new buyer sign up on my website then the welcome email goes in the Spam folder of Gmail ???

what should I do for solving spam issue.??

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That is an other problem, what are you using to send your email ? just the php function or more ?


it is a lot of work to configure your domain to correctly sent your email.


i use mailjet for routing my email, but a lot of provider can help you

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That is an other problem, what are you using to send your email ? just the php function or more ?


it is a lot of work to configure your domain to correctly sent your email.


i use mailjet for routing my email, but a lot of provider can help you

i try both PHP and as well Set my own SMTP parameters but in both situation email goes in spam folder

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Yes it is hard to configure a good smtp server, that is why i use an email provider, in 

Set my own SMTP parameters


l use in.mailjet.com and my mailjet user and my mailjet password

i had to add a txt entry in my dns zone to certify my email, you can find a lot of tuto on google to help you in that way ;)

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