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Error in calculating product price in product page

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The price of the product is wrong when we select more than one combination. On the product page the price is wrong, but not in the cart.

We are using the version of Prestashop with a child theme from default bootstrap prestashop theme.


We have made several tests, changing the default theme, deactivating the price with VAT included, regenerating the combinations again, etc. But nothing works.


I attach a couple of screenshots indicating the combinations selected and the price difference.


Here is a example: https://bkfit.com/tienda/268-maillot-entretiempo-wild-wolf-manga-larga-verde-oscuro.html

Does anyone have this problem? Could someone help us please?





Edited by rramos-acuabit (see edit history)
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Hi NemoPS


Yes, the discount is assigned for all customers, all customer groups, all currencies and all combinations as the fixed amount (impact on price).


I attached a screenshot of the article.


Is there a patch or any solution for this problem ?? It's very serious, customer are watching two different prices


Edited by rramos-acuabit (see edit history)
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  • 1 year later...

I had the same kind of issue. I solved it like this:

Go to controllers/front/ ProductController.php

Change this:

$combinations[$row['id_product_attribute']]['price'] = (float)($row['price'], null, Context::getContext()->currency, false);

To this:

$combinations[$row['id_product_attribute']]['price'] = (float)$row['price'];


This fixed my problem anyways. Hope it helps!

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