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Transplant natives modules to new created hooks ?

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Hello :)


I created a custom theme, in prestashop, and I add two new hooks in it.


My new hooks works fine, but I have a problem on an important point.

I can't transplant any natives modules in them, only modules I created or I modified to include the two new hooks work fine for transplantation.


So it's a way to do that, without core modification ?


Thanks for your help.

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To be sure we speak about the same thing, that's into a prestashop, and my hooks works fine with my custom themes and customs modules


But, if I don't add thoses lines, the module won't be transplanted.


Exemple with the blockcart module, with thoses lines that's ok, but without no

	public function install()
		if (
			parent::install() == false
//			|| $this->registerHook('top') == false
			|| $this->registerHook('header') == false
			|| $this->registerHook('actionCartListOverride') == false
/* Thoses line are needed to be able to use the hook */
			|| $this->registerHook('displayTopLeft') == false
			|| $this->registerHook('displayTopRight') == false
/* FIN */
			|| Configuration::updateValue('PS_BLOCK_CART_AJAX', 1) == false
			|| Configuration::updateValue('PS_BLOCK_CART_XSELL_LIMIT', 12) == false
			|| Configuration::updateValue('PS_BLOCK_CART_SHOW_CROSSSELLING', 1) == false)
			return false;
		return true;

and a bit more down :

	public function hookDisplayTopLeft($params)
		$params['blockcart_top'] = true;
		return $this->hookTop($params);

	public function hookDisplayTopRight($params)
		$params['blockcart_top'] = true;
		return $this->hookTop($params);

The error code say "This module can't be transplant on this hook"

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I think you'll need to override the native modules to allow them to be added to your custom hooks. For example, create override/modules/blockcart/blockcart.php with the following:


class BlockCartOverride extends BlockCart
public function hookDisplayTopLeft($params)
$params['blockcart_top'] = true;
return $this->hookTop($params);

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