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Problem with combinations prices


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We have a store about to be launched with 1.7 and we've found a serious issue:


When you create a combination product, and you put a price for every combination, the prices are stored correctly, but, when you save another parameter of the product, all decimals of those prices are lost. So, if you put 1,456, after you save again, you lose the ,456 so you get only 1,0000. I suppose it's because it's retrieving the data in a bad format with , or . for decimals.


Can you provide me any way to solve this? 

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But where? how? The field converts the data to , format, but I'm sure is when you reload the page and retrieve the data again when it's stored internally with . and it loses the proper format. What should I change? 


I can't enter values with . I have to enter them with ,

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