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Products out of stock - Advanced Stock Management

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I have a big problem, all of my products became out of stocks. It is not the first time, but we did not solve the problem, so we have to upload a back up each time.


For example, when this problem appears, if i go on a product on Catalog, I saw the "Advanced Stock Management" option disabled, and "I want to specify available quantities manually" activated.

Screen : https://screenpresso.com/=jVHpf


So, I go on Preferences -> Products and Advanced Stock Management is still active. So, I really don"t understand why products are out of stock. My warehouse is active too and quantities are correct inside.


There are two shops.


On "All shops", settings are : https://screenpresso.com/=IYDOe

On one shop, settings are : https://screenpresso.com/=tKpwf


It seems that the relationship between the warehouse and the product sheets does not work anymore.


So I can repair this manually, product by product, by reactivating the "advanced management of stocks" on products catalog, but the number of products is such, that it would be far too long.


Can you help me ?


Thanks a lot,



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