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[PROBLEM] Google Checkout site review

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This is an email I received from Google:

During our recent review, we were unable to locate Google Checkout buttons on your website before registration or sign-in pages. As a result, Google Checkout badges have not been activated on your account. You may continue to process transactions, however, as your merchant account is still active.

As outlined in our program policies at https://checkout.google.com/seller/policies.html you must ensure Google Checkout buttons are available on your website before registration or sign-in pages if your website sells any physical goods.

If you'd like to activate your Google Checkout badges, you may update your website in order to meet this requirement. After you update your site, please respond to this message so we can confirm the changes and activate your badges. See https://checkout.google.com/support/sell/bin/answer.py?answer=42896 to review Google Checkout badge requirements and https://checkout.google.com/support/sell/bin/answer.py?answer=42891 to learn more about displaying badges.

You may also wish to check your website against our Integration Checklist at https://checkout.google.com/support/sell/bin/answer.py?answer=72125 as following these guidelines will ensure a positive buyer experience.

I am using the Google Checkout module, so WTF? Why would I be getting this?
Isn't this supposed to be handled by the module?

Are these different guidelines than when the block was first developed? Why has it not been
modified to meet the requirements?

Where would I make the necessary changes to have the CORRECT image on my cart
and where should they be placed?

Has anyone else using PrestaShop and Google Checkout received this message?
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I have my Google Checkout image as part of my payment logo block.

I modified this block to include links to fb, twitter, our payment logos (visa, mc, amex, etc.) and also paypal and google checkout. This block is always on the left at the very bottom, but its always visible to the customer and it links to our cms pages or directly to the merchants website (ie. paypal and gcheckout). Also, when the customer checks out, where the payment options are, there is also an image of gcheckout (plus paypal for that option and cc logos for our merchant company option). BTW I'm using the One Page Checkout module, but I'm sure the "default" checkout process also does this too.

And no I haven't received this message before, so I'm not positive as to if this will fix your problems but hopefully it helps.


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  • 3 months later...

doesnt make any difference though. To use google checko0ut buttons in accordance with their guidelines (which are crap but thats besides the point) the button needs to be active, and transfer the cart /product to the google checkout pages. Having just a button logo doesnt do this. It needs to be active.

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  • 4 weeks later...

We're having same problem passing the Google Checkout badge site review. Personally I think google's programme policy for their badges review is flawed when it comes to ecommerce platforms like prestashop. It's impossible for us to add buttons for every product and combination of orders.. Their 'buy now' buttons are like Paypal's, they are in competition with each other and obviously want to get buyers straight to their gateway, understandable but not fair on prestashop users.

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  • 3 months later...

I'm having this exact problem right now.

I'm displaying the googlecheckout logo but its not good enough for them apparently!

Googld are really hard work but their shopping security is good so I'm loathed to give them the boot!

Anyone over come this since the last posts?

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