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Calculate boxes by square meters - Example in the post

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Looking for a module able to calculate boxes by square meters inserted by user on a product page.


I need to show the customer the exact amount of m² that I must sell depending on his input.


For example, if customer wants 100 m², I will have to sell 100.8 meters squares because the boxes have fixed quantity in it, I cannot open them.


Example here. This would be perfect but it's on magento.


Thank you

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This seems very specific, so it should be custom made for that shop.


There are some modules that allow to have different options for the products.

e.g. https://addons.prestashop.com/en/sizes-units/5628-product-properties-extension-sell-by-weight-lengthetc.html





There might be some others modules that might suit you even better, but you have to do investigation yourself :)

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