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Upgrading from v1.1

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I have a client with Prestashop v 1.1 and I need to upgrade it to the latest version - it has been suggested that I upgrade every version one by one as it may break if i don't - is this the way to go - the 1.1 version is sending out spam so has some vunerability - any advice would be more than welcome.

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wow 1.1.  the furthest back I have upgraded from is v1.2.5, and it wasn't the easiest task in the world. 


there is a manual upgrade guide in the documentation (learn) menu above.  Generally you need to use that to get to a minimum of  Once there you should perform testing and make sure things are working properly with the core store, and that the store data has survived properly (customers, order etc...)


Once there, you should be able to use the autoupgrade module to get you to v1.6.1.11


Any modules or theme currently being used in v1.1 will most certainly not work properly.  So make sure you research what custom modules, customizations and changes to theme have been made, and locate upgrades or newer versions of those things for v1.6.1.11.


Lastly, do not upgrade to v1.7 at this time.  Consider it a beta version and not to be used in production


And feel free to contact me on my website, if you are looking for an estimate to perform the upgrade.

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