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Add tax for a single state (USA) during checkout only

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I have followed the instructions and all suggestions in the forum on how to apply taxes, but it still does not work correctly (PS  We need to add a tax for a single state only.  The tax should only be displayed and added during checkout.


The way it works now is, if a customer logs into his/her account and their delivery address matches the state where taxes must be collected, the prices for all products site-wide are increased by an amount that approximates the tax (it's not even the correct amount); this is without adding any items to the cart.  It should not be this way, in the USA at least.  Product prices should never be adjusted by taxes.  Taxes should only be displayed during checkout.

  • When products are added, the tax rule is selected in the Prices section.
  • Localization > Taxes and Tax Rules, only the state where taxes must be collected is enabled.
  • In Customers > Groups > Customer, Price display method "Tax excluded" is selected.
  • Under Tax Rules for the state, I added a new tax rule to apply "This tax only" to United States, Massachusetts with the corresponding tax.
  • Downloading the location pack with "Change the behavior of the taxes displayed to the groups" checked had no effect.
  • Using a custom theme or default-bootstrap made no difference.
  • Clearing the cache had no effect.

I have not been able to find a solution to this problem after searching and reading many related postings in the forum.  We need to find a solution.  Please help.


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After much searching and looking at code, this issue is fixed for me.  It turned out that I had earlier copied some recommended code from the forum on how to alter the formatting of prices. The poster, not being from the US, provided code that did not exclude taxes in the product prices.  After I added "_tax_exc" to $product.price to get "$product.price_tax_exc" in a few tpl's, it worked perfectly.  It would have helped it I examined the code to start with.

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