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Product Customization results in Error Cart->id_currency is empty


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Hi there,


first of all: I'm sorry for my bad english, but I'm in hurry.


I'm using Prestashop and can't find a solution for this error:


If I made a text based customization to a product i'm getting following error log:





Property Cart->id_currency is empty
at line 915 in file classes/ObjectModel.php

910.             }911. 912.             $message = $this->validateField($field, $this->$field);913.             if ($message !== true) {914.                 if ($die) {915.                     throw new PrestaShopException($message);916.                 }917.                 return $error_return ? $message : false;918.             }919.         }920. 


But if i have had allready put some stuff in the cart, I can store the customization for the product and can add it in the next step to the cart.


Here is the URL where you can reproduce the error. https://shop.decalprint.eu/decals/9-nummernschild-d-eur.html


I'm looking excited forward your replies.

Edited by silu-berlin (see edit history)
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