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[Solved] How to add download able product via FTP?

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I have a Shop and i am selling E books in that shop. E book Is a download able product no need any shipping. But How can i upload Big files?

In Presta Shop I can add the books But not More Then 64MB (1file). How can i upload 500MB or 1GB file?

I want to make a Movie Download Shop so I need to Upload big Files. 1 GB or 1.5 GB each !!!

Is there is any way to upload Via FTP Software and then Link up the File with Presta shop?

Please Suggest.

Here is my e book shop http://e-booklibrary.org/

Thanks :-)

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  • 1 month later...

The only (easy) way I can think of is to upload a "dummy" file for the downloadable product when you add the product (a 2K stub file is fine) and then replace it with the actual downloadable via FTP once it has been added (using the same location/filename).


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Hi everybody!

The 64MB limitation is because of your php server configuration.
You can increase it by modifying your php.ini file (see the documentation)

After such a modification you'll be able to send huge files through PrestaShop, but for this I recommend to use a FTP client which will be faster and definitly more stable than your browser (you can use the Paul C trick ;-P)

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  • 1 year later...
The only (easy) way I can think of is to upload a "dummy" file for the downloadable product when you add the product (a 2K stub file is fine) and then replace it with the actual downloadable via FTP once it has been added (using the same location/filename).



I have been trying to find the location of the file but no luck and ideas?
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