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Save button loading forever, can't save products!


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I have a problem with my save and save & stay buttons on products, where they just keep loading forever and won't allow me to save anything! 

Console log gives me this error, not sure if it's related or not:

Uncaught TypeError: $(...).typeahead is not a function
    at HTMLDocument.eval (eval at <anonymous> (jquery-1.11.0.min.js:2), <anonymous>:5:55)
    at j (jquery-1.11.0.min.js:2)
    at Object.add [as done] (jquery-1.11.0.min.js:2)
    at e.fn.init.n.fn.ready (jquery-1.11.0.min.js:2)
    at eval (eval at <anonymous> (jquery-1.11.0.min.js:2), <anonymous>:2:14)
    at eval (<anonymous>)
    at jquery-1.11.0.min.js:2
    at Function.globalEval (jquery-1.11.0.min.js:2)
    at e.fn.init.domManip (jquery-1.11.0.min.js:3)
    at e.fn.init.append (jquery-1.11.0.min.js:3)

Do you guys know a fix for this?post-1310436-0-06479400-1484644515_thumb.png 
EDIT: FIXED! Just update prestashop backoffice
Edited by scarlet31 (see edit history)
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  • 1 month later...

thank you for the very informative link, koporc.   I am saving this link for future possible use.


I can report that I have updated my PS from to .  I didn't have any hint of the problem the next time I listed items.  I am watching it, though, in case I start having problems again.  Then I will check out your link.


If this is, indeed the answer to the problem, it would help a bunch of folks if you also posted it in answer to some of the other threads where this is the topic of discussion.

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  • 10 months later...

Hi there, 

I don't know if you still are here on prestashop forum but have informations how to fix this annoying prestashop bug.


Just go there -> YOUR-WEBSITE/adminfolder/themes/default/template/controllers/products/ 
There you will find .tpl files for each tab from product page (Informations, Price, Shipping, Feature, Images etc)
Open first informations.tpl file , search and delete this: disabled="disabled" and then next of that find <i class="process-icon-loading"> and change "loading" to "save". That code need to looks like  <i class="process-icon-save">

You have to do that twice at each file you edit. 1. for Save and stay button and 2. for Save button.

Repeat that in each file for each tab.

You can thanks me later :)

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  • 3 months later...
  On 3/17/2018 at 6:30 PM, ZikmaSolutions said:

Hi there, 

I don't know if you still are here on prestashop forum but have informations how to fix this annoying prestashop bug.


Just go there -> YOUR-WEBSITE/adminfolder/themes/default/template/controllers/products/ 
There you will find .tpl files for each tab from product page (Informations, Price, Shipping, Feature, Images etc)
Open first informations.tpl file , search and delete this: disabled="disabled" and then next of that find <i class="process-icon-loading"> and change "loading" to "save". That code need to looks like  <i class="process-icon-save">

You have to do that twice at each file you edit. 1. for Save and stay button and 2. for Save button.

Repeat that in each file for each tab.

You can thanks me later :)


Hi ZikmaSolutions

Thanks for that solution, It works but just solves the 'save button' loop problem. In fact, the bug still shows up in the console. 
I attach my console error. I can't find why this happens :(

PD: Sorry for my english:)

Thanks, regards!!




Screen Shot 2018-06-26 at 01.09.44.png

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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 months later...

I found a twik, it's not the best fix because you gonna skip the validation, be smart when you enter data and that will be correct.
You need to edit some files in the repository:  /your_admin_repo/themes/default/template/controllers/products
The files is:

shipping.tpl (be carefull theire is 2 occurences in this file)

You need to delete the disabled initial state on the button. You need to edit all files because this is the themplate of admin products.
Find and replace! Enjoy

<!-- Modification de masirois (iXmédia) Version erreur de validation button "save" et "save and stay" loadaient sans fin. Code original commanté plus bas. -->
<button type="submit" name="submitAddproduct" class="btn btn-default pull-right"><i class="process-icon-save"></i>{l s='Save'}</button>
<button type="submit" name="submitAddproductAndStay" class="btn btn-default pull-right"><i class="process-icon-save"></i>{l s='Save and stay'}</button>
<!-- <button type="submit" name="submitAddproduct" class="btn btn-default pull-right" disabled="disabled"><i class="process-icon-loading"></i></i> {l s='Save'}</button>
<button type="submit" name="submitAddproductAndStay" class="btn btn-default pull-right" disabled="disabled"><i class="process-icon-loading"></i> {l s='Save and stay'}</button> -->


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  • 1 month later...

Guys check your browser console, if you see error with file tinymce.inc.js then you need to duplicate file with different name. Check whole Prestashop and search for word tinymce.inc.js in code. Change it to new name, but keep eye on what you changing. It is only on few places in code, unless you have loads of moduels using tinyMCE installed.

After you install/upgrade module, make sure it is pointing on duplicate file of tinymce.inc.js . Duplicate file must be different name.

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  • 2 years later...

Hi Guys,

For Prestashop 1.6 in /admin/themes/default/template/controllers/products/helpers/form/form.tpl,  delete code:

submitHandler: function(form)

{ form.submit(); }

If problem persists, you have to upgrade your PHP version.

In my case from 1.5.6 to 1.7

I have Prestashop

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