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How to configure the search engines & referrers section in BO/Stats section


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I recently upgraded one of my sites from 1.1 to 1.2.5. After the upgrade the visitors online and the search engine keywords stats have reduced drastically.

1) The keywords only shows keywords that have been used more than once and has stopped showing keywords that have been used only once.
2) The visitors online numbers have reduced drastically.
3) I have attached 2 images for the new sections in the BO that i have no clue how to configure.
4) I noticed in 1.3.1 for BO/Stats/search engines, by default, there are 50 search engines entered, however in 1.2.5 there are only 6.

So i am not sure what has happened. Is it the logic that has changed in how the reports are generated or is there some configurations i need to do to make it better. Did anyone else have the same issues and if someone can please explain how to configure the 2 sections that i have attached the images for.




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What do you have set under Stats > Settings under "Clean automatically"? I noticed that when I set it to "Never", I got hundreds of visitors online, but now that I've changed it to clean "Weekly", I only ever have a couple of people online. I'm wondering now which is a truer picture of who's online.

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I went to Stats > Search engines and it looks like you just provide the server name and the $_GET variable used by the search engine. Here's an SQL query you can use to replace the PrestaShop v1.2.5 search engines with the PrestaShop v1.3 ones:

TRUNCATE TABLE `ps_search_engine`;
INSERT INTO `ps_search_engine` (`server`,`getvar`)
VALUES  ('google','q'),('aol','q'),('yandex','text'),('ask.com','q'),('nhl.com','q'),('yahoo','p'),('baidu','wd'),

Change ps_ to your database prefix.

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