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How to change default theme?

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Usually when I design things I use FrontPage or Dreamweaver but this is impossible to use with this store, right?

I want to change colors, menus etc but this seems to be a "poor mans" solution where you cannot make any changes. Am I right?


Why cant I edit the defalut theme to make it more like I want it?

They say it is possible everywhere but HOW???????

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Another good example that I have been working with for 27 hours in a row now:

I have a product and want variations of it.

Have added 143 different values for the same product. The only thing that changes is the value. Price stays the say for each choice.


But that seems also impossible, it only says "Not able to do that" or "Not able to update information" when I go to the Combination choices etc etc etc.


Why is that????????????

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Okay, there is only ONE version of Prestashop to download, I did it yesterday, are you with me?


When I add a product clickad "Add product" and give it an image and text, then I go to the Add number in store, after that I go to Price, after that I want to add the variations of this product sop I go to Genreal tab and click the button "Product with variation" and then next I go to Combination tab and add the value table I have with my 143 differt values and click Generate. So far everything is fine.

But NOW it happens. Only a message comes up for a few second: "Could not update the settings".




Hope you are with me now. You cannot add a product a different way than this, its basic and very simple but the idiot site cannot update it, why?

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It is complete but still have a bugs. Look for example for Microsoft products, they sell Windows and after that give customers dozens patches to fix bugs, people pay for not working solution. PrestaShop is totally free, and like I said 1.7 is brand new so if you want well tested solution you need to choose 1.6 version.

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Well, this is crazy. You must agree with me.

When you add a product, you must be able to use a general product with variations.


An example.

I want to sell a resistor (for those who do not know what a resistor is, don't ask here!!). They come in many variations for the same price.

In my case 143 variation of the same product with no price change.


So I need to add a "value" table and that is not possible in this store at all. Then it just locks itself and says it cannot update. But not a single word why it cannot update.

This is SO stupid that this basic variations is not possible to do, no shop version at all should be released without it.

Without this possibility no store can be built, it is that BASIC!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well, since I have uploaded my store and it took about 5 hours to get it on my server, I do NOT intend to remove everything manually again, that will take several days for god sake!!!!!!!


What idiots releases a version that is not complete????


With 10s of thousands of users of this software without having the issues you are having, one has to ask which is the idiot !


The people on this forum are giving their own time and effort to offer you advice and you treat them so disrespectfully. You are very lucky they are even giving you their time.

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