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Do not receive email alert for new order


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Hi, I don't receive any email notifications as administrator for everything, even for a new registration or new order. The CMS sends notifications to customers properly but not to me as Administrator. If I  click TEST SEND EMAIL, in Mail alert module, the email succesfully arrived to me.

Thank you if you can help me.


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  • 3 months later...

Module is called mailalerts it sends email to admin. If You have any problems with it try to reinstall it. Can You post a screenshot of what content the test mail is ? Check if You have a ../modules/mailalerts   and themes/yourtheme/modules/mailalerts/mails/en/new_order.html and new_order.txt


This files are responsible for the emails. Check if Your CHMOD on server is right.


Files rw-r--r-- / 644

derictories rwxr-xr-x / 755


Check the server mail log and prestashop log for any errors.

Edited by c64girl (see edit history)
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