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Can't translate Email templates into slovenian

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I am having problems translating email templates into slovenian language. After translation the changes don't take effect. Email templates are still delivered in english. However in backend they are saved in slovenian.


Does anyone know what could be causing this?


Please help.


I am running prestashop with own theme copied from default bootstrap. Installed languages english and slovenian.




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back office-->localization-->translations-->email template translations-->


here you  can select 'core no theme' or a theme.


Some themes like default theme do not have a mails folder, they would be translated 'core no theme'.  other themes (espeically 3rd party) have their own mails folder.


using ftp check that the mails folder (files below) have been updated in root folder or theme folder.  it sounds to me like ps is using one mail folder and you are translating another.



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Here I must contradict you slightly. :)

You need to select a theme. Modified mail translations are always stored into the active theme's folder - or should be. They work like an override. So don't use the option Core- no theme selected for mails. It wouldn't work.

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Hi elezar! happy 2017.  What I noticed is that 'mails' folder is not contained in default theme folder, so I'd assume 'core no theme', but did not test it.  The core/theme selector sure has tripped a lot of people up over the years.  Happy day, el

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Hi, el,

honestly, who needs logic when you can have ... PrestaShop!  :D




lol...yea...the drop down for core/themes....has created a lot  of issues for 'many'.  myself included...I got tripped up on this doing module xlations....wrote an  article here..now lost to mother time....I  got to get a blog....lol


hey tell the mod group....retirement from moderation, I will outlive them all...jajajaja

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Hey guys,


thanks for all the help. I noticed I had two folders of my theme one with caps MYTHEME and one with lower case mytheme. After removing the wrong folder my translations for email templates work again.


I am translating back office-->localization-->translations-->email template translations-->mytheme (slovenian language).




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