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How add google analytics in the new prestashop 1.7?


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you can use free html block module and include analytics widget code to your shop.

on html box free module configuration page just use "header" or "footer" hook, paste the code of analytics widget there and save changes.

Hi Vekia, I solved the problem, the module google analytics prestashop 1.6 is compatible with prestashop 1.7. I proved and working correctly.

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  • 3 years later...

Old thread, but relevant I suppose.

I have just started to understand the hooks & modules.

I have noticed Google Analytics module is transpanted in quite a few hooks.

As mentioned above, it can be out into header or footer.

If I remove the GA module from other hooks than displayFooter, will it still worl as expected?

Or does the module do different things on different pages depending on the hook? For which reason it needs to be in several hooks?

Also, it is in some back office hooks too, but Ican't understand what for?

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