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How to post separe product image in the home page template?


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Hello, there

I have a prob: need to post 2 images from each product set on Front page template:
i have uploaded 3 or 4 images for each product, and i need post 2 from them, but not default one...

Any ideas?
Thanks in advanced

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When you say "Front Page Template" are you referring to the Home Editor module or the Home Featured module? The home editor module is by default at the top of the center column, it contains a picture and text. The home featured module is by default below the home editor module and lists individual products (with a 'view' and 'add to cart' button) under the "Home" category.

To modify the Home Editor Module, go to the "Modules" tab in the BO and scroll down and find the module titled "Home Editor" and click "configure" to modify it.

For the home featured module, any products you leave under the "Home" category under the Catalog tab will appear here. You can't modify the specific order, but you can modify the number of products that can show in this block. By going to your "Modules" tab and look for "Featured Products under the homepage." Also, I believe somebody has an updated version of this module on this forum (check the Third Party Modules category) that gives you more options on how you want the home featured products to be displayed (ie order).


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Thanks for your answer, but this not that what i'm asking for... I'm successfully using Home Featured module and the Home Editor Module, but i need to know is this possible to do something like div hover with changing background images for the product on mouse over. That why i'm asking how to post two separate images from one product, but not all group.
Thanks one more time.

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Please tell how you solved it, if someone else searches the forum for a solution to the same problem, "solved" is not very useful.
Also, please add [sOLVED] to the subject line in the original post.

AFAIK this is not a support line; most people answering questions are struggelling with their own problems and these forums are just a way to build up a knowlege bank, personally my experiece is that about 50% of my questions are left unanswered which can be frustrating, but there's only so much you can expect from a free software


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