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Customerservice ticket imap


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i was testing the  customerservice imap setup and it works fine.

it import and create new tickets in the customerservice tab.  but i just wondered about something


when customer dont use the built-in url inside the email(sent from BO "click here to reply")  and just reply by their own mail platform.  then the subject looks like 

"Re: [shopname] There is response to your message #ct34 #tcsuCEWTGIHyeN"


but when this happend . the prestashop customerservice tab backend does not read this email and therefore the "reply from the customer" does not become assigned to the exsisting customer ticket .  it seems it just ignore it 


The reason is that many customers dont use the url in the email. and just reply using their email program

Hope my question is clear and someone know if it is possible to auto assign this email to the exsisting ticket  instead of ignoring this email from the imap

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