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Prestashop Beta


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Hej alla Prestashop fans!


Prestashop Beta har släppts.


Ändringar i version - beta

Fixed bugs:
CO: Fix detection of APCu on Performance page
CO: Cast id_cart to int to keep it in the SQL query
CO: Performance opt on scandir() usage
CO: Fix for MySQL error 1093 in generating the invoice number
CO: Fix misuse of getimagesize returned informations
CO: Fixed method Order::isVirtual
CO: PHP 7.1 Fatal error: operator not supported in DbQuery.php
CO: Fix multiple configuration entry for PERCENT_PRODUCT_OUT_OF_STOCK_EXPIRE

BO: Fixed category search in product association tab
BO: Fix date filter when entering BO
BO: Fixed product customization duplication
BO: Uploader helper multiple files undefined _max_files
BO: Orders amount currency fixed
BO: Remove synchronous javascript call in translations

FO: Reset country in address page after error
FO: Fix & optimize search::find queries
FO: Re-instate default id for product list
FO: Accessory product names are not the product name (Schema.org)
FO: Fix grid view payment methods on small devices

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Hi Zen_j1.


Du ska aldrig använda en betaversion i produktion, det är därför det kallas beta, eftersom dom inte har löst de bitar som kan vara avgörande för produktion.


Jag rekommenderar att du och alla andra att göra noggranna tester innan den slutliga versionen släpps.


Ju fler testare vi får och ju fler människor som rapporterar, desto snabbare kan vi få en riktigt stabil och snabb version.



Ha en riktigt härlig helg







You should never use a beta version in production, that's why it's called beta that has not solved those pieces that can be critical for production.


I recommend you and everyone else to do thorough testing before the final version is released.


The more testers we get and the more people who report the sooner we can get a really stable and fast version.



Have a really lovely weekend




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  • 3 weeks later...


Hej alla Prestashop fans!


Prestashop Beta har släppts.


Ändringar i version - beta

Fixed bugs:

CO: Fix detection of APCu on Performance page

CO: Cast id_cart to int to keep it in the SQL query

CO: Performance opt on scandir() usage

CO: Fix for MySQL error 1093 in generating the invoice number

CO: Fix misuse of getimagesize returned informations

CO: Fixed method Order::isVirtual

CO: PHP 7.1 Fatal error: operator not supported in DbQuery.php

CO: Fix multiple configuration entry for PERCENT_PRODUCT_OUT_OF_STOCK_EXPIRE


BO: Fixed category search in product association tab

BO: Fix date filter when entering BO

BO: Fixed product customization duplication

BO: Uploader helper multiple files undefined _max_files

BO: Orders amount currency fixed

BO: Remove synchronous javascript call in translations


FO: Reset country in address page after error

FO: Fix & optimize search::find queries

FO: Re-instate default id for product list

FO: Accessory product names are not the product name (Schema.org)

FO: Fix grid view payment methods on small devices




1.7 mi 1.6 mi you are using

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Hi Zen_j1.


Du ska aldrig använda en betaversion i produktion, det är därför det kallas beta, eftersom dom inte har löst de bitar som kan vara avgörande för produktion.


Jag rekommenderar att du och alla andra att göra noggranna tester innan den slutliga versionen släpps.


Ju fler testare vi får och ju fler människor som rapporterar, desto snabbare kan vi få en riktigt stabil och snabb version.



Ha en riktigt härlig helg







You should never use a beta version in production, that's why it's called beta that has not solved those pieces that can be critical for production.


I recommend you and everyone else to do thorough testing before the final version is released.


The more testers we get and the more people who report the sooner we can get a really stable and fast version.



Have a really lovely weekend






Vad är det du vill ha sagt?




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