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Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Access to undeclared static property


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Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Access to undeclared static property: Validate::$values in /www/ljusshopen.se/public_html/classes/controller/AdminController.php:1389 Stack trace: #0 /www/ljusshopen.se/public_html/classes/controller/AdminController.php(903): AdminControllerCore->processUpdateOptions() #1 /www/ljusshopen.se/public_html/classes/controller/Controller.php(178): AdminControllerCore->postProcess() #2 /www/ljusshopen.se/public_html/classes/Dispatcher.php(367): ControllerCore->run() #3 /www/ljusshopen.se/public_html/admin/index.php(58): DispatcherCore->dispatch() #4 {main} thrown in /www/ljusshopen.se/public_html/classes/controller/AdminController.php on line 1389

I am trying to change "days a product is called new:" from 90 days to 7 days.




Does someone know what I am doing wrong?



I solved it by going to Module "New Products" and changed the value there instead of the backoffice.

I use Prestashop

Edited by bearbeat (see edit history)
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