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Product creation API bug in

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Hello, I am experiencing a problem in ps

I am using webservice to create products in my shop. Some products give me error 500 and I can't get any further information by enabling debug (I see the same string without additional informations) and nothing gets logged to php error_log.

But the strangest thing is that my last successfully added product gets overwritten in some fields, like reference.

So for example I run the API on 11 products, the first 10 create normally, then the last one gives error.

The reference of the non-added product goes in the last added product.


It seems like prestashop webservice tries to create the product, it fails, then takes the last ID from ps_product and runs some UPDATE on that ID, overwritting a good product's fields with the data from the failed insert.


How can I debug this??



Edited by elorenzoni (see edit history)
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