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[SOLVED] Prestashop not sending order email with Paypal as payment method


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Hi there,


I am running Prestashop with Paypal Europe addon version 3.8.2 (based in New Zealand).


The last order I received an email order notification for from Prestashop (eg. 'Congratulations, an order was placed' etc) was on the 21st of November 2016, when a customer chose Paypal as the payment method.


With two subsequent orders on the 11th and 20th of December 2016 where Paypal was chosen as the payment method, Prestashop sent no merchant notification email - I only received the Paypal email that a payment had been received. The orders show up in the back office orders list, but there is no information about what was ordered (no SKU, product name etc) and no delivery slip created. The invoice has the correct amounts etc, but no product name, quantity ordered, sku etc The original order status shows as not set.


Other payment methods seem to work fine, I get a customer email notification and a merchant order email.


Can anyone suggest what may have changed between Nov 21 and December 11?




Installing the Paypal Europe addon latest version 3.11 resolved the notifcation emails and the issue of the order information not being passed on correctly in the back office.

Edited by morepork (see edit history)
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