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[SOLVED] Show products in two different ways

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I would like to ensure that, once entered in the category "SHOES" I show the products in pairs.

While entering the category "SOCKS" I want to show products four to four.

Can I connect the two pages to two different productlist.tpl or php?

Thank you.

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make a copy of productslist.tpl and rename shoesproductlist.tpl, make the alterations you need in file and reupload, repeat but rename the file socksproductlist.tpl

open categorys.tpl

and find the include for productlist.tpl

delete this line and add the following

{if $category->id_category == 3}
{include file=$tpl_dir./shoesproduct-list.tpl products=$products}
{elseif $category->id_category == 2}
{include file=$tpl_dir./socksproduct-list.tpl products=$products}
{include file=$tpl_dir./product-list.tpl products=$products}

obiviously you need to find the correct category id for the socks and shoes categorys and change the $category->id_category == 3

to the right digits



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Thank you Chris!!
It works!
Thank you sooo much!

make a copy of productslist.tpl and rename shoesproductlist.tpl, make the alterations you need in file and reupload, repeat but rename the file socksproductlist.tpl

open categorys.tpl

and find the include for productlist.tpl

delete this line and add the following

{if $category->id_category == 3}
{include file=$tpl_dir./shoesproduct-list.tpl products=$products}
{elseif $category->id_category == 2}
{include file=$tpl_dir./socksproduct-list.tpl products=$products}
{include file=$tpl_dir./product-list.tpl products=$products}

obiviously you need to find the correct category id for the socks and shoes categorys and change the $category->id_category == 3

to the right digits



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