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Creating new parent categories?

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I want to create parent categories other than HOME but cant seem to do this?

I know you can parent a sub cat which then has its own sub categories. thats fine, but what i want is a global navigation of several parent categories to display on my homepage.

this is the template im using http://ipno.tik.free.fr/blackwhite/
see where it has NEW, SALE, MANUFACTURERS. i would like to add the same but with sub cats too. but cnat even work out how to get categories to appear anywhere but underneath HOME?!

Ideally, the home button would only take you back home and the other parent categories would take you to their relevant root.

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  • 3 years later...



I am facing similar problem. Is this problem solved? if yes, then how? I tried deleting and adding categories again and again, clearing cache, but it does not show new root level categories for sub category page.

Any help appreciated. 



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Oh...That worked! The root category 'Home' is changed to 'Products' this way.


My problem is that I added 2-3 categories under 'Products'. Now I want to add sub categories under these categories like a nested tree.

In the 'Add new' category page, I just see 'Products'/'Home' as parent category with a radio button. The links 'Expand All' and 'Collapse All' does not work.

Plz refer to attached image, if that is at all clear.

Any one has any solution for this ? Why is this happening?






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  • 2 weeks later...

The Category help page lists Root Category as one of the inputs for creating a new category.  On the actual "New Category" form no such input exists.  All new categories can only be created as a sub-category of Home or another sub-category.   These sub categories do not appear on the category bar but only as drop downs from Home.  How do I create a category that appears on the category bar?

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  • 10 years later...

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