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wrong images are display when I search my site with google image


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Hello everyone!


When I search my site with site:xxxx.com in google image, there are displeyed all pictures from my site but when i click on one of them it will shown a diffrent picture still from my site but other product


Does anyone know how prestashop gives the id's to the pictures? in img>p folder from file manager? it must be something correlated with the "thickbox_default" but i can't figure it out.


Any help what should I have to do?


Many thanks

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You can remove images from your search result.


To remove that images from search results, follow these steps:

  1. Search on images.google.com for the image you want to find.

  2. Select the image link by right clicking on the image thumbnail and choosing Copy link address. ...

  3. Go to the Remove outdated content page. on google webmaster console

  4. In the "Enter URL of outdated content" box, paste the URL of wrong images



Edited by Jignesh.aakoliya (see edit history)
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Dear Jignesh.aakoliya thanks for your opinion, but this is not quite what i need , I don't want to remove pictures , i just want them to be corectlly displayed.

I don't know what I've done wrong, beside the facts that I rearange the categories and the products form related to them - should be this the problem?

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Thanks againe Jigneshkumar - your answere is corect but it takes time for  that.


I notice that my problem is corelated with "thickbox_default" images: in google when i search for site:example.com there is a full screen with all my pictures and when I click on a pictures the window is going down and show me a diffrent one from my site and if I click on shown image tab in the right than the URL is: www.example.com/349-thickbox_default/name of picture.jpg  (the name of the corect pictures wich it should be displayed, but the id no 349 is dedicated to the wrong displayed picture if I check in cpanel>public_html>img>p folder, but if i click direct on the wrong picture than it will open the corect page for the product. 


What I figure it out is that in the past I was uploading my products with .csv in english and latelly I was uploading the same .csv file but in choose my leanguages instead (bouth were in my leanguage). from back offce>advance param>csv import>language of the file and than everything becames a total mess only in the searching mode I describe above, search google site:www.mysite.com and choosing images , but otherwise the site is corect display every page and everything else.


After that I was uploading againe the csv file in english like it was initially that the thing get repaired instantlly after clear browser cache but not everything like 80% of them, anyway better that the total mass befor but now  if i  click on a picture it will the window will go down and will show me the same picture 80 % but now if I click on show image than will show me in question mark picture "?"


Now I  will aplly Jigneshkumar recomandation and I  will wait for google to do the rest of it and I hope everything will get fix but this will take at least one mounth.


I wish all , good luck and smooth operations.

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I have problem with google local search at "Our Stores" -page:




TM support said that: "The issue persists with the default template as well: http://prntscr.com/e11yab which means it is not template related. Please contact PrestaShop support on this."


You need to activate google map js api and add api key to your map js. you can get map api key from following url



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