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Smarty variables showing in frontend - Page not rendering !


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My website some of pages showing whole smaty variable in front office. like below on entire page,

Smarty Object
[auto_literal] => 1
[error_unassigned] =>
[use_include_path] =>
[template_dir:Smarty:private] => Array
[0] => /home/artofokuvj/www/themes/autumn/tpl/

[joined_template_dir] => /home/artofokuvj/www/themes/autumn/tpl/
[joined_config_dir] => /home/artofokuvj/www/tools/smarty/configs/
[default_template_handler_func] =>
[default_config_handler_func] =>
[default_plugin_handler_func] =>
[compile_dir:Smarty:private] => /home/artofokuvj/www/cache/smarty/compile/
[plugins_dir:Smarty:private] => Array
[0] => /home/artofokuvj/www/tools/smarty/plugins/

[cache_dir:Smarty:private] => /home/artofokuvj/www/cache/smarty/cache/
[config_dir:Smarty:private] => Array
[0] => /home/artofokuvj/www/tools/smarty/configs/

[force_compile] =>
[compile_check] => 1
[use_sub_dirs] =>
[allow_ambiguous_resources] =>
[caching] =>
[merge_compiled_includes] =>
[cache_lifetime] => 3600
[force_cache] =>
[cache_id] =>
[compile_id] =>
[left_delimiter] => {
[right_delimiter] => }
[security_class] => Smarty_Security
[security_policy] =>
[php_handling] => 0
[allow_php_templates] =>
[direct_access_security] => 1
[debugging] =>
[debugging_ctrl] => NONE
[smarty_debug_id] => SMARTY_DEBUG
[debug_tpl] => file:/home/artofokuvj/www/tools/smarty/debug.tpl
[error_reporting] =>
[get_used_tags] =>
[config_overwrite] => 1
[config_booleanize] => 1
[config_read_hidden] =>

How do i get rid off this ? before i just enabled smarty console debug on back office and i disabled it also, but still I don't know how to fix this ? or where its coming from.


Can you please help me out on this ?




ps : also attached my screenshot for your reference.


Edited by mani313 (see edit history)
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